Data Qualification and Data Summary Report: Intact Rock Properties Data on Poisson's Ratio and Young's Modulus
Cikanek, E.M. ; Safley, L.E. ; Grant, T.A.
United States. Department of Energy. Yucca Mountain Project Office.
关键词: Management;    Saturation;    Testing;    Strain Rate;    Elasticity;   
DOI  :  10.2172/836525
RP-ID  :  TDR-MGR-GE-000004, Rev. 00
RP-ID  :  AC28-01RW12101
RP-ID  :  836525
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】
This report reviews all potentially available Yucca Mountain Project (YMP) data in the Technical Data Management System and compiles all relevant qualified data, including data qualified by this report, on elastic properties, Poisson's ratio and Young's modulus, into a single summary Data Tracking Number (DTN) MO0304DQRIRPPR.002. Since DTN MO0304DQRIRPPR.002 was compiled from both qualified and unqualified sources, this report qualifies the DTN in accordance with AP-SIII.2Q. This report also summarizes the individual test results in MO0304DQRIRPPR.002 and provides summary values using descriptive statistics for Poisson's ratio and Young's modulus in a Reference Information Base Data Item. This report found that test conditions such as temperature, saturation, and sample size could influence test results. The largest influence, however, is the lithologic variation within the tuffs themselves. Even though the summary DTN divided the results by lithostratigrahic units within each formation, there was still substantial variation in elastic properties within individual units. This variation was attributed primarily to the presence or absence of lithophysae, fractures, alteration, pumice fragments, and other lithic clasts within the test specimens as well as changes in porosity within the units. As a secondary cause, substantial variations can also be attributed to test conditions such as the type of test (static or dynamic), size of the test specimen, degree of saturation, temperature, and strain rate conditions. This variation is characteristic of the tuffs and the testing methods, and should be considered when using the data summarized in this report.
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