International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research
The study of risk factors associated with dyspepsia
Akhil Bansal1  Pooja Bansal1  Deepika Verma1  Abhyudaya Verma1 
关键词: dyspepsia;    H. pylori;    spicy food;    coffee;   
DOI  :  10.7439/ijbar.v7i9.3612
来源: Scholar Science Journals
【 摘 要 】
Dyspepsia is defined as upper abdominal or retrosternal pain or discomfort referable to theproximal alimentary tract. Dyspepsia is a major health problem. The aim of the study is to find out the risk factors associated with dyspepsia. Total 203 patients with dyspepsiaparticipated in the study and analyzed for H. pylori infection and questioned for risk factors like intake of coffee and spices. Most of the patients were from age group of 18-38 years and minimum from 49-60 yrs. Out of 203 patients 36 was found positive for H. pylori infection.104 males and 99 females participated in the study. The males were found to be more infected with H.pylori than female.Spicy food was consumed by 115 patients and 88 patients consumed non spicy food.Coffeeconsumption was found to be less in 117 patients than 86 patients who consumed >3 cups of coffee each day. Spicy food habit and increased consumption of coffee maypossibly associated with increase in symptoms of dyspepsia along with H. pylori infection.
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