Realization of an optical interferometer based on holographic optics for real-time testing of phase objects
A K Sharma1  Sushil K Kaura1  A K Aggarwal11  D P Chhachhia1 
[1] Coherent Optics Division, Central Scientific Instruments Organisation, Sector 30, Chandigarh 160 030, India$$
关键词: Interferometry;    holography;    optical testing instruments.;   
DOI  :  
来源: Indian Academy of Sciences
【 摘 要 】

The paper describes a simple and cost effective method for the realization of an optical interferometer based on holographic optics, which use minimal bulk optical components. The optical arrangement in the proposed method involves a very simple alignment procedure and inexpensive holographic recording material is used in the formation of holographic optical elements. The proposed interferometer set-up is quite suitable for performing optical test studies on phase (transparent) objects in real-time. Recording schemes for the formation of holographic optical elements and the related technique for the realization of the interferometer set-up along with the experimental results have been presented.

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