FEBS Letters
Carbohydrate carriers affect adhesion of H. pylori to immobilized Leb‐oligosaccharide
Sato, Yoshia1  Mizuochi, Tsuguo1  Seino, Keita1  Kojima, Naoya1 
[1]Department of Applied Biochemistry, and Institute of Glycotechnology, Tokai University, Hiratsuka, Kanagawa 259-1292, Japan
关键词: Lewis b;    Neoglycoprotein;    Neoglycolipid;    Bacterial adhesion;    Helicobacter pylori;    BSA;    bovine serum albumin;    DPPE;    dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine;    PAA;    polyacrylamide;    Leb-BSA;    Leb-hexasaccharide-conjugated BSA;    Leb-DPPE;    neoglycolipid constructed with Leb-hexasaccharide and DPPE;    Leb-PAA;    Leb-tetrasaccharide-conjugated PAA;   
DOI  :  10.1016/S0014-5793(02)02571-1
来源: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
【 摘 要 】

The present study involved comparison of adhesion of Helicobacter pylori KH202 to immobilized Leb-oligosaccharide carried on different carriers, i.e. Leb-oligosaccharide conjugated with polyacrylamide, bovine serum albumin, and dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine (Leb-PAA, Leb-BSA, and Leb-DPPE). All of the Leb-oligosaccharide-carrying neoglycoconjugates served as ligands for H. pylori. However, H. pylori required 10-fold and 100-fold quantities of Leb-antigen to adhere to Leb-PAA and to Leb-DPPE in comparison to the quantity of Leb-antigen needed to adhere to Leb-BSA, respectively. H. pylori adhesion to Leb-PAA and Leb-DPPE was clearly inhibited by Leb-oligosaccharide, but adhesion to Leb-BSA was hardly inhibited by the oligosaccharide. Therefore, the carbohydrate carrier affects the affinity of H. pylori KH202 toward Leb-antigen, although the bacteria recognize Leb-antigen regardless of the carbohydrate carrier.

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