FEBS Letters
Ganglioside GM2 is substrate for a sialidase in MDCK cells
Marchesini, Sergio1  Piccinotti, Alberto1  Preti, Augusto1  Benaglia, Giuliana1  Bresciani, Roberto1 
[1] Department of Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnology, University of Brescia, Via Valsabbina 19, 25123 Brescia, Italy
关键词: Madin-Darby canine kidney cell;    Asialo-monosialoganglioside 2;    Sialidase;    Fluorescent ganglioside;    N-Lissamine rhodamine;    Ganglioside nomenclature follows the suggestions of Svennerholm (Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. (1980) 125;    11–12) and the IUPAC-IUB recommendations (Lipids (1977) 12;    455–468);    Cer;    ceramide;    Glc-Cer;    glucosyl-ceramide;    Lac-Cer;    lactosyl-ceramide;    LRh;    lissamine rhodamine;   
DOI  :  10.1016/S0014-5793(98)00510-9
来源: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
【 摘 要 】

GM1 ganglioside carrying a fluorescent fatty acid in substitution of the natural one, has been administered to cultured Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells for different pulse times (0.5–24 h), and its metabolic fate was followed. The fluorescent GM2, asialo-GM2, asialo-GM1 and ceramide were the only detectable metabolites. The complete absence of fluorescent GM3 is consistent with the presence in these cells of a sialidase working on GM1 and GM2 gangliosides. After treatment of the cells with chloroquine the fluorescent GM1 remained essentially undegraded, indicating a catabolic processing at lysosomal level.

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