FEBS Letters
Class IV mammalian alcohol dehydrogenase
Moreno, Alberto1  Parés, Xavier1  Höög, Jan-Olov2  Cederlund, Ella2  Jörnvall, Jans2 
[1]Departament de Bioquímica i Biologia Molecular, Facultat de Ciéncies, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, 08913 Bellaterra (Barcelona, Spain
[2]Department of Chemistry I, Karolinska Institutet, S-104 01 Stockholm, Sweden
关键词: Alcohol dehydrogenase;    Enzyme class;    Amino acid sequence;    Gene duplication;    Homology;   
DOI  :  10.1016/0014-5793(90)80822-Z
来源: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
【 摘 要 】

The stomach form of alcohol dehydrogenase has been structurally evaluated by peptide analysis covering six separate regions of the rat enzyme. Overall, this new structure diners widely (32–40% residue differences) from the structures of three classes of alcohol dehydrogenase characterized before from the same species. Consequently, this novel enzyme constitutes a true fourth class of mammalian alcohol dehydrogenase. In particular, differences are extensive also towards class II, although enzymatic and physicochemical properties initially suggested overall similarities with class II. The new structure establishes the presence of one further alcohol dehydrogenase mammalian gene, extends the enzyme family derived from repeated gene duplications, and confirms tissue-specific expressions.

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