FEBS Letters
400‐MHz 1H‐NMR spectroscopy of fucosylated tetrasialyl oligosaccharides isolated from normal and cirrhotic α1‐acid glycoprotein
Biou, D.2  Konan, D.2  Durand, G.2  Fournet, B.1  Wieruszeski, J.M.1 
[1] Laboratoire de Chimie Biologique et Unité Associée au CNRS no. 217, Université des Sciences et Techniques de Lille Flandres-Artois, 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cédex, France;Centre d'Etudes Pharmaceutiques et Biologiques, CNRS UA 622, 5, rue J.B. Clément, 92296 Chătenay-Malabry Cédex, France
关键词: α1-Acid glycoprotein;    Fucose;    Alcoholic cirrhosis;    Asparagine-linked oligosaccharide;    1H-NMR;    α1-AGP;    α1-acid glycoprotein;    n;    normal;    c;    cirrhotic;    OMe;    O-methyl;    GlcNAcNMeol;    N-acetyl-N- methylglucosaminitol;   
DOI  :  10.1016/0014-5793(88)80518-0
来源: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
【 摘 要 】

The comparative study of fucosylated tetrasialyl-oligosaccharides isolated from normal and cirrhotic α1-AGP was performed using permethylation and 400-MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy. These results clearly show the tetraantennary structure of these two oligosaccharides with hyperfucosylation for the tetrasialylated fraction from cirrhotic α1-AGP. In the latter oligosaccharide the simultaneous presence on two antennae (7 and 7′) of the sialosyl Lewis X determinant NeuAc-(α2–3) Gal(β1–4) [Fuc(αl–3)l GlcNAc has been observed. Moreover the 5 and 5′ antennae were α2–6 sialylated but without fucose.

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