FEBS Letters
31P NMR investigations on free and enzyme bound thiamine pyrophosphate
Schellenberger, Alfred2  Flatau, Sabine2  Kleinpeter, Erich1  Fischer, Gunter2 
[1] Dept of Analytical Chemistry, University of Halle, Weinbergweg, 4020 Halle, GDR;Dept of Biochemistry, University of Halle, Domplatz 1, 4020 Halle GDR
关键词: Thiamine pyrophosphate mechanism;    Pyruvate decar☐ylase;    31P NMR;    PDC;    pyruvate decar☐ylase (EC;    TPP;    thiamine pyrophosphate;   
DOI  :  10.1016/0014-5793(88)80465-4
来源: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
【 摘 要 】

Pyruvate decar☐ylase (PDC) contains thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) and Mg2+ as cofactors. 31P NMR studies with PDC in the presence of added Mn2+ reveal the pyrophosphate moiety of TPP to be a nonaccessible area for the external Mn2+ and thus proving the Mg-P-complex (taking part in the binding of the coenzyme to the protein) to be a nonaccessible area for the medium. Glyoxylic acid, acting as an inhibitor of PDC by forming a noncleavable bond with the catalytic center of TPP causes a steric immobilization of the coenzyme indicated by a line broadening of the pyrophosphate moiety.

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