FEBS Letters
Cell free translation of chicken calcitonin messenger RNA
Segond, N.2  Milhaud, G.2  Jullienne, A.2  Treilhou-Lahille, F.1  Moukhtar, M.S.2  Lasmoles, F.2  Desplan, C.2 
[1]Laboratoire de Biologie des Vertébrés, 94110 Orsay Cedex, France
[2]U. 113, INSERM and LA. 163, CNRS, Service de Biophysique, 27 rue Chaligny, 75012 Paris, France
关键词: Calcitonin;    Messenger RNA;    Translation;    Chicken;    Ultimobranchial gland;    Radioimmunoassay;    mRNA;    messenger RNA;    M r;    relative molecular mass;    RIA;    radioimmunoassay;    CT;    calcitonin;    sCT;    salmon calcitonin;    UB;    ultimobranchial gland;    EDTA;    ethylene diamine tetracetic acid;    TEB;    Tris—EDTA buffer;    SDS;    sodium dodecyl sulfate;    PMSF;    phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride;   
DOI  :  10.1016/0014-5793(83)81124-7
来源: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
【 摘 要 】

The primary step of calcitonin biosynthesis was studied in a normal organ: chicken ultimobranchial gland, a tissue particularly rich in calcitonin secretory cells. Poly(A)-rich RNA was extracted and purified from ultimobranchial organs and translated in a reticulocyte lysate in the presence of labelled methionine. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of specific immunoprecipitates revealed a major band of M r 14 500 and a band of M r 13 300. Thus, in chicken the precursor of calcitonin is a M r 14500 polypeptide. The minor component of M r 13 300 could represent limited processing by the reticulocyte lysate.

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