Diseases of Aquatic Organisms
Epizootic cutaneous papillomatosis in roach Rutilus rutilus: sex and size dependence, seasonal occurrence and between-population differences
Raine Kortet1  Jouni Taskinen1  Anssi Vainikka1 
关键词: Spawning papillomatosis;    Roach;    Tumours;    Seasonality;    Gender dependence;    Pollution;   
DOI  :  10.3354/dao052185
来源: Inter-Research
【 摘 要 】
ABSTRACT: Epidemiology of epidermal papillomatosis in roach Rutilus rutilus was studied in 11 roach populations in Finland in 1999 and 2000 during the spawning period. In addition, the seasonal pattern of the disease was described in 1 population.Papilloma tumours were observed on the skin and fins of roach in 8 populations out of 11. Prevalence of papillomatosis varied from 0 to 62%, being higher in populations subject to industrial or sewage effluents. Males and large fish had higher prevalenceof papilloma tumours. The disease outbreak peaked during the spawning period and signs of recovered skin on fish were observed later during the year. The gender dependence in the disease prevalence found in the study may indicate differences in stress andimmunocompetence between roach males and females during the spawning period.

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