IEICE Electronics Express
A compact low-power nonvolatile flip-flop using domain-wall-motion-device-based single-ended structure
Takahiro Hanyu1  Masanori Natsui1  Akira Mochizuki1  Hideo Ohno1  Noboru Sakimura2  Tetsuo Endoh1  Tadahiko Sugibayashi2  Daisuke Suzuki1 
[1] Center for Spintronics Integrated Systems, Tohoku University;Green Platform Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation
关键词: nonvolatile logic;    magnetic tunnel junction;    spintronics;   
DOI  :  10.1587/elex.11.20140296
来源: Denshi Jouhou Tsuushin Gakkai
【 摘 要 】

References(15)Cited-By(3)A nonvolatile flip-flop (NV-FF) is proposed for a zero-standby-power LSI using a domain-wall motion (DWM) device. Since the write current path is separated from the read current path in the DWM device, two nonvolatile memory function blocks, a write driver for storing temporal data into the DWM device, and a sense amplifier for recalling the stored data from the DWM device can be optimized independently. Moreover, the use of a nonvolatile storage cell with a DWM-device-based single-ended structure makes it possible to implement both of these functions as two CMOS inverters, which makes it possible to merge them into a CMOS delay flip-flop (D-FF) core. Since the nonvolatile storage cell is electrically separated from the D-FF core during the normal operation, there is no performance degradation. In fact, the area and the power-delay product of the proposed NV-FF are minimized compared to those of the previous works.

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