Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases
Over-the-counter human immunodeficiency virus self-test kits: time to explore their use for men who have sex with men in Brazil
Sullivan, Patrick S.1  Terto, Veriano4  Fernandes, Nilo Martinez5  Buchbinder, Susan3  Grinsztejn, Beatriz5  Veloso, Valdiléa G.5  Lippman, Sheri A.2 
[1]Emory University, Atlanta, USA
[2]University of California, San Francisco, USA
[3]San Francisco Department of Public Health, San Francisco, USA
[4]Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
[5]Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
关键词: Brazil;    HIV testing;    MSM;    Self-testing;    Home-based testing;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.bjid.2014.02.002
来源: Contexto
【 摘 要 】
Increasing access and frequency of human immunodeficiency virus testing are critical to stemming the epidemic. In Brazil's concentrated epidemic, human immunodeficiency virus prevalence in the men who have sex with men/transgender population far exceeds that in the general population, but testing rates fall below what is needed to ensure early detection and treatment. Over-the-counter human immunodeficiency virus self-testing kits, now available in stores in the U.S., have enormous potential to increase testing access and frequency and to facilitate early detection and treatment. With the advent of human immunodeficiency virus self-testing upon us, it is timely to engage the scientific community, government, and civil society in a dialog around how to best utilize this technology in Brazil. We summarize recent research on over-the-counter testing among men who have sex with men, raise potential questions and challenges to using self-tests, suggest implementation strategies, and outline a research agenda moving forward.
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