IEICE Electronics Express
Semi-analytical BER performance of a direct detection soliton transmission system
A. Abid3  H. T. Chuah1  S. P. Majumder2  F. M. Abbou4 
[1] Faculty of Engineering, Multimedia University;Faculty of Engineering, Buet University;Faculty of Information Technology, Multimedia University;Alcatel Network Systems
关键词: soliton;    SPM;    GVD;    EDFA;    intersymbol interference;   
DOI  :  10.1587/elex.3.203
来源: Denshi Jouhou Tsuushin Gakkai
【 摘 要 】

References(5)Cited-By(1)A semi-analytical approach is presented, to evaluate the bit error rate (BER) performance of a 10Gb/s direct detection soliton transmission link in the presence of group velocity dispersion (GVD), self-phase modulation (SPM), and accumulated amplifiers' spontaneous emission (ASE). The results show that the BER performance is limited by accumulated ASE and inter-symbol interference due to pulse distortion caused by GVD and SPM. It is found that for transmission distance of 3000-km with cascaded EDFAs the receiver sensitivity corresponding to BER of 10-9 are -25.2dBm, -20.7dBm and -13.2dBm for amplifier gain of 10dB, 20dB and 30dB respectively.

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