IEICE Electronics Express
The impact of trapping centers on AlGaN/GaN resonant tunneling diode
Zhangming Zhu1  Jun Luo1  Xiaoxian Liu1  Haoran Chen1  Lin’an Yang1  Yue Hao1 
[1] School of Microelectronics, Xidian University
关键词: GaN;    resonant tunneling diode;    trapping center;    quantum well;   
DOI  :  10.1587/elex.10.20130588
来源: Denshi Jouhou Tsuushin Gakkai
【 摘 要 】

References(5)We report on a simulation for aluminum gallium nitride (AlGaN)/gallium nitride (GaN) resonant tunneling diode (RTD) at room temperature by introducing deep-level trapping centers into the polarized AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN quantum well. Theoretical analysis reveals that the degradations of NDR characteristics in GaN based RTDs are actually caused by the combined actions of the activation energy and the trap density. Furthermore, the trapping centers with high activation energy play a dominant role in the degradation of negative differential resistance (NDR) characteristics.

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