The Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision
Gatekeeping in Master’s Level Rehabilitation Counseling Programs: An Exploratory Study
Sung, Connie1  Strain, Alicia1  Levine, Allison2 
[1]Michigan State University
[2]University of Kentucky
关键词: counselor education;    supervision;    gatekeeping;    evaluation;   
DOI  :  
来源: North Atlantic Regional Association for Counselor Education and Supervision
【 摘 要 】
The current study explores attitudes and procedures of gatekeeping in rehabilitation counseling programs. Using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), the current study explores underlying causes for a lack of gatekeeping discussion and action in rehabilitation counseling. Rehabilitation educators and program directors from both CORE and CACREP-accredited rehabilitation counseling programs participated in the online Gatekeeping Attitudes and Procedures Survey (GAPS). Results indicate that, while attitudes towards gatekeeping were positive, programs lack formalized procedures. TPB aids in understanding that attitudes towards gatekeeping may not influence educator behavior on the matter. Implications include further research into this area to better understand the relationship between gatekeeping and rehabilitation counselor education, as well as the impact of gatekeeping on student and faculty experiences.
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