Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development
Le Fort Partial Colpocleisis: A Low-Cost Model:
关键词: Colpocleisis;    low-cost;    simulation;    model;    education;   
DOI  :  10.1177/2382120518801582
来源: SAGEYA Publishing Company
【 摘 要 】

Objective:The aim of this study is to develop a simulation model for the Le Fort partial colpocleisis.Introduction:One in 9 women will undergo surgery for incontinence or prolapse by age 80 with 30% of these requiring an additional prolapse surgery. With a success rate of over 90% and recurrence rate of 4.2%, obliterative procedures hold a significant place in the management of pelvic organ prolapse in elderly women who are no longer sexually active. For new trainees, the Le Fort colpocleisis may be difficult to conceptually visualize, requiring the need to develop models as teaching tools.Method:A low-cost model was developed using easily available craft supplies to simulate the Le Fort partial colpocleisis with the uterus in situ to treat procidentia. The cost of each model was under US $14 and time to make was approximately 1 hour. The video presents the construction and use of this model.Conclusions:The Le Fort partial colpocleisis technique has been in use for over a century. The aging population as ...

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