Механика машин, механизмов и материалов
Simulation of Eye Biomechanics in Pneumotonometric Tests Using Method of Superposition of Movements and Deformations of a Viscoelastic Body
Maya O. Mikhnovich1  Anatoliy V. Chigarev2 
[1] Belarusian National Technical University;Belarusian State University;
关键词: simulation;    biomechanics;    pneumotonometer;    movement;    deformation;    viscoelasticity;    model;    cornea;    impulse;    membrane;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Arbitrary points of the surface of the cornea due to deformation wavelike move almost from the center of the pupil along the radius of the eye, and the energy is distributed in the form of a wave with a rapidly damped amplitude. Studies reveal microvibration movements of the eye shell due to blood circulation in the microcirculation vessels of the eye. This makes it possible to allocate the maximum pressure in the systole phase and the minimum pressure in the diastole phase. The soft shell in the initial (unloaded) state does not have its own shape. Under the action of internal pressure, the soft shell takes the form corresponding to the largest volume. In this case, tensile stresses occur in the shell material, forming a self-balanced system together with the internal environment, in which the forming shell is stretched, and the internal environment (liquid, gel) is compressed. At any external influences and loadings, due to excessive pressure, only tensile stresses arise. Thus, the internal pressure gives the membrane the necessary structural rigidity

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