Green tea flavour determinants and their changes over manufacturing processes
Han, Zhuo-Xiao ; Rana, Mohammad M. ; Liu, Guo-Feng ; Gao, Ming-Jun ; Li, Da-Xiang ; Wu, Fu-Guang ; Li, Xin-Bao ; Wan, Xiao-Chun ; Wei, Shu
Anhui Agr Univ
关键词: Camellia sinensis;    Volatile profiles;    Catechins;    Caffeine;    Manufacturing process;    Gene expression;    Tea flavour;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.06.049
【 摘 要 】
Flavour determinants in tea infusions and their changes during manufacturing processes were studied using Camellia sinensis cultivars 'Bai-Sang Cha' ('BAS') possessing significant floral scents and 'Fuding-Dabai Cha' ('FUD') with common green tea odour. Metabolite profiling based on odour activity threshold revealed that 'BAS' contained higher levels of the active odorants b-ionone, linalool and its two oxides, geraniol, epoxylinalool, decanal and taste determinant catechins than 'FUD' (p < 0.05). Enhanced transcription of some terpenoid and catechin biosynthetic genes in 'BAS' suggested genetically enhanced production of those flavour compounds. Due to manufacturing processes, the levels of linalool and geraniol decreased whereas those of b-ionone, linalool oxides, indole and cis-jasmone increased. Compared with pan-fire treatment, steam treatment reduced the levels of catechins and proportion of geraniol, linalool and its derivatives, consequently, reducing catechin-related astringency and monoterpenol-related floral scent. Our study suggests that flavour determinant targeted modulation could be made through genotype and manufacturing improvements. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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