Improving the application of a practice guideline for the assessment and treatment of suicidal behavior by training the full staff of psychiatric departments via an e-learning supported Train-the-Trainer program: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Ad JFM Kerkhof2  Jan Vink1,10  Bert van Luijn1  Jan Spijker7  Lia Verlinde6  Albert M van Hemert3  Erik van Duijn8  Jos WR Twisk2  Jan Mokkenstorm5  Bastiaan Verwey9  Jos de Keijser4  Marieke H de Groot2  Derek P de Beurs2 
[1] GGZ Center for Mental Health Care, Dimence, The Netherlands;EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands;Groningen University, Groningen, The Netherlands;GGZ Center for Mental Health Care GGZ in Geest, 113online, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;GGZ Center for Mental Health Care Altrecht, Altrecht, The Netherlands;GGZ Center for Mental Health Care, Propersona, The Netherlands;GGZ Center for Mental Health Care Delfland, Delft, The Netherlands;Rijnstate Hospital, Arnhem, The Netherlands;GGZ Center for Mental Health Care, Rivierduinen, The Netherlands
关键词: Healthcare professionals;    E-learning;    Train-the-trainer;    Suicide prevention;    Implementation;    Guideline;   
Others  :  1094978
DOI  :  10.1186/1745-6215-14-9
 received in 2012-06-25, accepted in 2012-12-18,  发布年份 2013
【 摘 要 】


In 2012, in The Netherlands a multidisciplinary practice guideline for the assessment and treatment of suicidal behavior was issued. The release of guidelines often fails to change professional behavior due to multiple barriers. Structured implementation may improve adherence to guidelines. This article describes the design of a study measuring the effect of an e-learning supported Train-the-Trainer program aiming at the training of the full staff of departments in the application of the guideline. We hypothesize that both professionals and departments will benefit from the program.


In a multicenter cluster randomized controlled trial, 43 psychiatric departments spread over 10 regional mental health institutions throughout The Netherlands will be clustered in pairs with respect to the most prevalent diagnostic category of patients and average duration of treatment. Pair members are randomly allocated to either the experimental or the control condition. In the experimental condition, the full staff of departments, that is, all registered nurses, psychologists, physicians and psychiatrists (n = 532, 21 departments) will be trained in the application of the guideline, in a one-day small interactive group Train-the-Trainer program. The program is supported by a 60-minute e-learning module with video vignettes of suicidal patients and additional instruction. In the control condition (22 departments, 404 professionals), the guideline shall be disseminated in the traditional way: through manuals, books, conferences, internet, reviews and so on. The effectiveness of the program will be assessed at the level of both health care professionals and departments.


We aim to demonstrate the effect of training of the full staff of departments with an e-learning supported Train-the-Trainer program in the application of a new clinical guideline. Strengths of the study are the natural setting, the training of full staff, the random allocation to the conditions, the large scale of the study and the willingness of both staff and management to participate in the study.

Trial registration

Dutch trial register: NTR3092

【 授权许可】

2013 de Beurs et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

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