Portretten van vier samenwerkingspraktijken jongerenwerk & voortgezet onderwijs in Amsterdam
Information Technology
M.W. (Martijn) Hartog (Lid Lectoraat) ; T. (Thomas) Fischer ; S. (Sandra) Schaffert ; J. (Joe) Cullen ; W. (Wolf) Hilzensauer ; D. (Davide) Calenda ; E. Suba ; M. (Markus) Winkler
De Haagse Hogeschool
关键词: E-learning 2.0;   
来源: HBO Kennisbank
【 摘 要 】

This work package firstly functions as a data-gathering activity, to explore and deepen theresults, and questions, raised by the earlier research activities and it provides knowledgeexchange to engage a wider spectrum of stakeholders to further validate the LINKS-UPoutputs. Two phases of the Learning Dialogues involve representatives of the 20 casesstudied in WP2. In the first phase these events are considered to serve as data gathering inthe host countries represented by the LINKS-UP consortium. The second phase will involveaction research experiments and will be combined with the Workpackage focused onValidation. The first Dialogues took place in the framework of two conferences, involvingnot only the direct target group of the project but a group of international experts to explorethe possible bottlenecks of the project aims. In the second phase it is intended to run theLearning Dialogues using the Action Learning Set methodology (Pedler, 1997) with selectedcase studies involved in WP2. Action Learning Sets involve ‘small group work’ with groupsrepresenting key actors and stakeholders. Group work is co-ordinated by a facilitator inorder to generate practical learning by reflecting on experiences of LINKS-UP in a structuredway. A distinctive feature of the Action Learning Set methodology is its emphasis onexploring how different groups interact; the underlying ‘visions’ and value systems thatshape this interaction, and the possible tensions that may arise through conflicts betweenthese visions and values. This is particularly suited to understanding the barriers that maymilitate against the application of Learning 2.0 approaches to inclusive learning, since themethodology focuses on how social interactions operate.The Learning Dialogues are intended to explore and deepen the results of case study analysisand to emulate knowledge exchange by engaging a wider spectrum of stakeholders that inthe WP2 stage to validate project outputs. The first Learning Dialogue was transformed intoa model Learning Dialogue event with international experts at the EDEN 2010 AnnualConference. Based on the experiences of the model event, the second Learning Dialogueevent involving case study representatives and took place in Austria, in the framework of theEduMedia Conference at the end of June 2010. Based on the positive feedback fromparticipants of the first two events, it was proposed to record interviews and short videostatementswith stakeholders and publish them as part of the Innovation Laboratory online.The following report contains detailed descriptions of the initial Learning Dialogues andreports on the feedback received from participants to be included in the future LearningDialogue methodology development.

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