Informele zorg rond mensen met een niet-aangeboren hersenletsel. Een leidraad voor professionele inzet. Wmo-wijzer
Information Technology
E. (Eva) Szalma ; M.W. (Martijn) Hartog (Lid Lectoraat) ; E.R. (Else Rose) Kuiper ; E. (Eva) Suba ; T. (Thomas) Fischer ; A. (Andras) Szucs ; S. (Sandra) Schön ; J. (Joe) Cullen
De Haagse Hogeschool
关键词: E-learning 2.0;   
来源: HBO Kennisbank
【 摘 要 】

The objective of the Events organised and presentations were twofold. On one hand we aimed at theeffective dissemination and exploitation of the Links‐up project outcomes, on the other hand weaimed at involving stakeholders of the project and target groups via 'Learning Dialogues' and eventsto ensure sustainability on a long term. The primary target groups for the dissemination andexploitation activities have been targeted when organising and selecting events where Links‐up waspresented: EU and national government agencies, policy‐makers; Learning and inclusion networks;training providers. Events started at an early stage of the project to ensure continuity and deeperinvolvement of target groups. Events included the three Learning Dialogues combined with nationalevents and the Final Conference (reported separately) with intensive exchange of opinions andexperiences using action learning set methodology and role‐plays.Based on the participant feedback at the first Learning Dialogue, the project consortium decided toconcentrate efforts on the local initiatives and their learning path during the validation experimentswhile launching dissemination actions targeted on fellow researchers in trendsetting positions.Based on this strategy, Links‐up were mostly set in international or national scientific conferences.During the events participants were asked to put themselves in the position of grass‐root initiativefacilitators and policy makers to exchange opinions and experiences on the key research questions ofthe project. An introduction of experiences of previous events and ongoing emerging results of theproject were fed back to the event participants to fertilise discussions. Events included LearningCafés at the Plymouth e‐Learning Conference 2010, at the EduMedia Conference 2010 as well asthe 2010 EDEN Annual Conference, keynote speeches and workshops at the NEXT regionalconferences in 2010 and 2011, various activities at the EDEN 2011 Annual Conference, thepresentation of a research paper and interactive discussions at the e‐Challenges e‐2011Conference, the Final Links‐up Conference and an additional Online Webinar.One of the outputs of such events were the recorded interviews of 5 key researchers and experts onthe field of open learning (Prof. Aharon (Roni) Aviram, Chair of the Center for Futurism in Educationat Ben‐Gurion University, Steve Wheeler, Associate Professor at the University of Plymouth andEdublogger, Ingeborg Bo, Member of the Board of Trustees of the ICDE (International Council forOpen and Distance Education, Graham Attwell, Director of Welsh independent research institutePontydysgu, Associate Fellow at University of Warwick, UK and University of Bremen, Germany,Maruja Gutierrez‐Diaz, Advisor to the Director, Education and Culture, European Commission;Former Head of Unit Innovation and Transversal Policies, European Commission) published onYouTube and on the project website (details and links on the interviews are included in the Report onLearning Dialogues).As Links‐up events were supported by presentations at selected conferences, announcements at theproject website and through regular Links‐up Newsletters and project presence on social webchannels such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, elearningeuropa.info community and EDEN social webcommunity with considerable amount of visits, shares and readers.

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