BMC Medicine
Developing a guideline to standardize the citation of bioresources in journal articles (CoBRA)
Anne Cambon-Thomsen1  Anna Maria Rossi2  Federica Napolitani2  Laurence Mabile1  Paola De Castro2  Alessia Calzolari2  Elena Bravo2 
[1] UMR U 1027, Inserm, Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier, 37 allées Jules Guesde F-31000, Toulouse, France;Department of Hematology, Oncology and Molecular Medicine, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Viale Regina Elena 299, Rome, 00161, Italy
关键词: Traceability;    Standardized citation;    Repository;    Open policies;    Guideline;    Data sharing;    CoBRA;    Bioresource Research Impact Factor;    Bioresource;    Biobanks;   
Others  :  1125890
DOI  :  10.1186/s12916-015-0266-y
 received in 2014-06-25, accepted in 2015-01-02,  发布年份 2015
【 摘 要 】


Many biomedical publications refer to data obtained from collections of biosamples. Sharing such bioresources (biological samples, data, and databases) is paramount for the present governance of research. Recognition of the effort involved in generating, maintaining, and sharing high quality bioresources is poorly organized, which does not encourage sharing. At publication level, the recognition of such resources is often neglected and/or highly heterogeneous. This is a true handicap for the traceability of bioresource use. The aim of this article is to propose, for the first time, a guideline for reporting bioresource use in research articles, named CoBRA: Citation of BioResources in journal Articles.


As standards for citing bioresources are still lacking, the members of the journal editors subgroup of the Bioresource Research Impact Factor (BRIF) initiative developed a standardized and appropriate citation scheme for such resources by informing stakeholders about the subject and raising awareness among scientists and in science editors’ networks, mapping this topic among other relevant initiatives, promoting actions addressed to stakeholders, launching surveys, and organizing focused workshops.


The European Association of Science Editors has adopted BRIF’s suggestion to incorporate statements on biobanks in the Methods section of their guidelines. The BRIF subgroup agreed upon a proposed citation system: each individual bioresource that is used to perform a study and that is mentioned in the Methods section should be cited as an individual “reference [BIORESOURCE]” according to a delineated format. The EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research) network mentioned the proposed reporting guideline in their “guidelines under development” section.


Evaluating bioresources’ use and impact requires that publications accurately cite such resources. Adopting the standard citation scheme described here will improve the quality of bioresource reporting and will allow their traceability in scientific publications, thus increasing the recognition of bioresources’ value and relevance to research.

Please see related article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12916-015-0284-9.

【 授权许可】

2015 Bravo et al.; licensee BioMed Central.

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