BMC Biotechnology
Cloning, expression and biochemical characterization of the cholesterol oxidase CgChoA from Chryseobacterium gleum
Renate Reiss1  Greta Faccio1  Linda Thöny-Meyer1  Michael Richter1 
[1] Empa. Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Laboratory for Biomaterials, Lerchenfeldstr. 5, 9014 St. Gallen, Switzerland
关键词: Taurocholate;    Biocatalysis;    Recombinant expression in Escherichia coli;    Cholesterol oxidase;    Chryseobacterium gleum;   
Others  :  834844
DOI  :  10.1186/1472-6750-14-46
 received in 2013-06-07, accepted in 2014-03-25,  发布年份 2014
【 摘 要 】


Cholesterol oxidases are important enzymes for applications such as the analysis of cholesterol in clinical samples, the synthesis of steroid derived drugs, and are considered as potential antibacterial drug targets.


The gene choA encoding a cholesterol oxidase from Chryseobacterium gleum DSM 16776 was cloned into the pQE-30 expression vector and heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli JM109 co-transformed with pRARE2. The N-terminally His-tagged cholesterol oxidase (CgChoA) was assigned to be a monomer in solution by size exclusion chromatography, showed a temperature optimum of 35°C, and a pH optimum at 6.75 using 0.011 M MOPS buffer under the tested conditions. The purified protein showed a maximum activity of 15.5 U/mg. CgChoA showed a Michaelis-Menten like kinetic behavior only when the substrate was dissolved in water and taurocholate (apparent Km = 0.5 mM). In addition, the conversion of cholesterol by CgChoA was studied via biocatalytic batches at analytical scale, and cholest-4-en-3-one was confirmed as product by HPLC-MS.


CgChoA is a true cholesterol oxidase which activity ranges among the high performing described cholesterol oxidases from other organisms. Thus, the enzyme broadens the available toolbox of cholesterol oxidases for e.g. synthetic and biosensing applications.

【 授权许可】

2014 Reiss et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

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Figure 1.

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Figure 6.

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