6th ModTech International Conference - Modern Technologies in Industrial Engineering
Optimization of energy consumption in a designed prototype vehicle in an advanced engineering environment
Monica, Z.^1 ; Banas, W.^1 ; Cwikla, G.^1
Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Engineering Processes Automation and Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Konarskiego 18A, Gliwice
44-100, Poland^1
关键词: Advanced engineering environments;    Automotive solution;    Energy efficient vehicles;    Engineering software;    Mechanical transmission;    Mechanical transmission system;    Technical environments;    Variable transmission;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/400/4/042041/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/400/4/042041
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Nowadays one of the main issues in developing modern automotive solutions is the energy consumption of mechanical transmission systems. Mechanical transmission systems are designed to provide power, usually between the driven machine and the motor. The transfer of energy can be accompanied by a change of forces, torques and speeds. During the transfer of energy also occurs the change of the nature of motion e.g. from reciprocating to pivotal or from periodical to continuous one. The construction of mechanical transmission consists of at least two wheels, which are interrelated with a flexible connector or which being directly in contact. Mechanical gear ratio can be varied by leaps and bounds, fixed or variable continuously i.e. CVT (Continously Variable Transmission). The aim of the paper is to analyse the efficiency of engines and powertrain of vehicles using energy-saving solutions using engineering software of the CAE class. The paper aims to present a synergy that occurs in a technical environment of energy solving vehicles. One of the tasks is to develop an analysis of the drives used in industry and energy-efficient vehicles with hydrogen engines and fuel cells. The analysis bases on the investigations conducted in a virtual environment, which uses the 3D model of a test stand for energy consumption measuring for vehicle engines.
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