12th Joint Conference on Chemistry
Characteristics of eugenol loaded chitosan-tripolyphosphate particles as affected by initial content of eugenol and their in-vitro release characteristic
Cahyono, B.^1 ; A'Yun, Qurrotu^1 ; Suzery, M.^1 ; Hadiyanto^2
Departement of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, Prof Sudharto SH street, Tembalang, Semarang
50275, Indonesia^1
Departement of Chemical Engeneering, Diponegoro University, Prof Sudharto SH street, Tembalang, Semarang
50275, Indonesia^2
关键词: Characteristic peaks;    Controlled release;    Encapsulation efficiency;    FT-IR spectrum;    Gastric fluids;    Intestinal fluid;    Loading capacities;    Tripolyphosphates;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/349/1/012010/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/349/1/012010
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The aim of this research was to determine encapsulation efficiency, loading capacity and controlled release of eugenol loaded chitosan-tpp products which prepared by coaservation method. The characteristic of eugenol-loaded chitosan showed that %EE and % LC increased by increasing the initial eugenol content. The optimum of %EE (72.63%) and %LC (43.96%) were obtained at the ratio of chitosan to eugenol of 1:1.5. The FTIR spectrum showed the characteristic peaks of eugenol appearing on spectrum of eugenol encapsulated and blue-shift in the hydroxyl band from 3425.58 cm-1in chitosan-tpp to 3417.86 cm-1and 3394.72 cm-1in eugenol loaded chitosan-tpp indicating that eugenol was successfully encapsulated. The surface morphologies of freeze-dried particles with the optimum %EE showed that more surface roughness and porosity than plain particles. Furthermore, the in vitro release of particles with minimum and optimum %EE were also investigated in acid (Simulated Gastric Fluid) and base (Simulated Intestinal Fluid) medium at ambient temperature.

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Characteristics of eugenol loaded chitosan-tripolyphosphate particles as affected by initial content of eugenol and their in-vitro release characteristic 737KB PDF download
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