International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Automation and Control Systems 2017
Phase transformation in rapidly quenched Fe-Cr-Co-Mo-Ti-Si-B alloys
Zhukov, D.G.^1 ; Shubakov, V.S.^1 ; Zhukova, E.Kh.^1 ; Gorshenkov, M.V.^1
National University of Science and Technology 'Misis', Leninsky Av., 4, Moscow
119049, Russia^1
关键词: Amorphous state;    Anisotropic effects;    Boron concentrations;    High coercivity;    Qualitative assessments;    Research results;    Structure formations;    Thermomagnetic treatment;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/327/3/032062/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/327/3/032062
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The research results of phase transformations in Fe-24Cr-16Co-3Mo-0.2Ti-1Si-B alloys (with a boron content of 1 to 3% by mass) obtained by rapid quenching are presented. The structure formation regularities during the melt spinning and during the subsequent crystallization annealing in rapidly quenched bands of the Fe-Cr-Co-Mo-Ti-Si-B system alloys were studied. The changes in the phase composition of the rapidly quenched Fe-Cr-Co-Mo-Ti- Si-B system alloys after quenching at various quench rates and at different boron concentrations in the alloys are studied. It is shown that during crystallization from an amorphous state, at temperatures above 570 °C, in addition to the α-phase, the σ-phase appears first, followed by the γ-phase. Heat treatment of rapidly quenched bands to high-coercive state was carried out. A qualitative assessment of magnetic properties in a high-coercivity state was carried out. An evaluation of the level of magnetic properties in a high-coercivity state allows us to conclude that the application of a magnetic field during crystallization from an amorphous state leads to anisotropy of the magnetic properties, that is, an anisotropic effect of thermo-magnetic treatment is detected.

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