International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Applied Composite Materials
Determination of the boundary conditions of the grinding load in ball mills
Sharapov, Rashid R.^1
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, National Research University, Yaroslavl highway 26, Moscow
129337, Russia^1
关键词: Analytical expressions;    Axial movement;    Ball load;    Cement clinker;    Longitudinal motion;    Power consumed;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/307/1/012047/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/307/1/012047
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The prospects of application in ball mills for grinding cement clinker with inclined partitions are shown. It is noted that ball mills with inclined partitions are more effective. An algorithm is proposed for calculating the power consumed by a ball mill with inclined inter-chamber partitions in which an axial movement of the ball load takes place. The boundary conditions in which the ball load is located are determined. The equations of bounding the grinding load are determined. The behavior of a grinding load is considered in view of the characteristic cross sections. The coordinates of the centers of gravity of the grinding load with a definite step and the shape of the cross sections are determined. It is theoretically shown that grinding load in some parts of the ball mill not only consumes, but also helps to rotate the ball mill. Methods for calculating complex analytical expressions for determining the coordinates of the centers of gravity of the grinding load under the conditions of its longitudinal motion have developed. The carried out researches allow to approach from the general positions to research of behavior of a grinding load in the ball mills equipped with various in-mill devices.

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