International Conference on Construction, Architecture and Technosphere Safety 2017
Investigation of Mechanism of Action of Modifying Admixtures Based on Products of Petrochemical Synthesis on Concrete Structure
Tukhareli, V.D.^1 ; Tukhareli, A.V.^1 ; Cherednichenko, T.F.^1
Institute of Architecture and Construction, Volgograd State Technical University, Lenin avenue, 128, Volgograd
400074, Russia^1
关键词: Local raw materials;    Mechanism of action;    Operating condition;    Petrochemical synthesis;    Structural elements;    Structure and properties;    Structure formations;    Structure stability;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/262/1/012007/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/262/1/012007
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The creation of composite materials for generating structural elements with the desired properties has always been and still remains relevant. The basis of a modern concrete technology is the creation of a high-quality artificial stone characterized by low defectiveness and structure stability. Improving the quality of concrete compositions can be achieved by using chemical admixtures from local raw materials which is a very promising task of modern materials' science for creation of a new generation of concretes. The new generation concretes are high-tech, high-quality, multicomponent concrete mixes and compositions with admixtures that preserve the required properties in service under all operating conditions. The growing complexity of concrete caused by systemic effects that allow you to control the structure formation at all stages of the technology ensures the obtaining of composites with «directional» quality, compositions, structure and properties. The possibility to use the organic fraction of oil refining as a multifunctional hydrophobic-plasticizing admixture in the effective cement concrete is examined.
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