2nd International Conference on Innovative Materials, Structures and Technologies
Development of New Cementitious Caterials by Alkaline Activating Industrial by-Products
Fernández-Jimenez, A.^1 ; García-Lodeiro, I.^1 ; Palomo, A.^1
Cement and Recycled Materials Department, Instituto Eduardo Torroja (CSIC), Madrid
28033, Spain^1
关键词: Alkaline activation;    Alkaline activators;    Cementitious;    Curing condition;    Fire rating;    Industrial by-products;    Ordinary Portland cement;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/96/1/012005/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/96/1/012005
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The alkaline activation of aluminosiliceous industrial by-products such as blast furnace slag and fly ash is widely known to yield binders whose properties make them comparable to or even stronger and more durable than ordinary Portland cement. The present paper discusses activation fundamentals (such as the type and concentration of alkaline activator and curing conditions) as well as the structure of the cementitious gels formed (C-A-S-H, N-A-S-H). The durability and strength of these systems make these materials apt for use in many industrial applications, such as precast concrete elements (masonery blocks, railroad sleepers), protective coatings for materials with low fire ratings and lightweight elements.

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