2nd International Conference on Rheology and Modeling of Materials
Hardening kinetics investigation of alkali-activated binder by small amplitude oscillatory rheometry
Rieger, D.^1 ; Kullová, L.^1 ; ekalová, M.^1 ; Kováík, T.^1
New Technologies - Research Centre, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic^1
关键词: Alkali-activated binder;    Alkaline activation;    Alkaline activators;    Isothermal conditions;    Oscillatory rheometry;    Parallel plate geometry;    Potassium silicates;    Rheological behaviors;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/790/1/012029/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/790/1/012029
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

In this study, the rheological behavior of geopolymeric inorganic binder was determined. This binder was synthesized by alkaline activation of mixture, comprising calcined claystone powder and milled blast furnace slag. As an alkaline activator of hardening process, the potassium silicate solution was used. For the investigation of hardening kinetics, the strain controlled small amplitude oscillatory rheometry was used with strain of 0.01%. The reproducibility and versatility of this method is demonstrated for determination of hardening process evolution. The changes of loss tangent shape were studied in this experiment and applied for determination of gelation time. All experiments were conducted at isothermal conditions in temperature range 27-70°C and parallel plate geometry. The results indicate that reaction kinetics is directly depending on temperature. The hardening kinetics was mathematically described and these calculations were compared with self-contained experiment conducted at 2°C. This experiment is described in details and the results of gelation time measurements confirmed calculated data.

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