International Symposium on Sun, Earth, and Life
Changes of NmF2 and hmF2 over Biak (1°S, 136°E) during total solar eclipse on March 9, 2016
Anggarani, Sefria^1 ; Asnawi, Jiyo^1 ; Dear, Varuliantor^1 ; Ekawati, Sri^1
Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space, Indonesia^1
关键词: F2 layer;    Indonesia;    Ionization process;    Ionosphere parameters;    Local time;    Recombination process;    Solar eclipse;    Total solar eclipse;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/771/1/012037/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/771/1/012037
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Ionospheric responses to solar eclipse is interesting to learn. In this paper, we presented ionspheric F2 responses to total solar eclipse on March 9, 2016 over Indonesia from Biak station (-1°; 136.0°) which is within the obscuration 86.55%. The total solar eclipse over Biak occurred at 00:58 UT (09:58 local time) in F2 layer height of ionosphere (h ≈ 300 km). Observation of the ionospheric F2 over Biak during the total solar eclipse investigated using ionosonde with 15 minutes resolution. Ionization and recombination processes that occur in the ionosphere proceed by solar radiation. At the time of the ionosphere receives solar radiation, ionization process dominated in the F2 layer. Diurnal ionosphere parameters changed following the solar radiation. During the solar eclipse, the process of ionization in the F2 layer disturbed. Total solar eclipse on March 9, 2016 affected almost simultaneous decrease in maximum electron density (NmF2) ∼52% and increase hmF2 ∼24% at the elapsed time of totality observed from Biak Station.

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