2014 Joint IMEKO TC1-TC7-TC13 Symposium: Measurement Science Behind Safety and Security
Validation of VARK learning modalities questionnaire using Rasch analysis
Fitkov-Norris, E.D.^1 ; Yeghiazarian, A.^1
Kingston University, Kingston-upon-Thames
KT2 7LB, United Kingdom^1
关键词: Cultural backgrounds;    Learning modalities;    Learning preferences;    Learning Style;    Questionnaire data;    Rasch modeling;    Sample data;    User groups;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/588/1/012048/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/588/1/012048
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

This article discusses the application of Rasch analysis to assess the internal validity of a four sub-scale VARK (Visual, Auditory, Read/Write and Kinaesthetic) learning styles instrument. The results from the analysis show that the Rasch model fits the majority of the VARK questionnaire data and the sample data support the internal validity of the four sub-constructs at 1% level of significance for all but one item. While this suggests that the instrument could potentially be used as a predictor for a person's learning preference orientation, further analysis is necessary to confirm the invariability of the instrument across different user groups across factors such as gender, age, educational and cultural background.

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