11th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity
In-field critical current property of IBAD/PLD coated conductors
Fujita, S.^1 ; Daibo, M.^1 ; Igarashi, M.^1 ; Kikutake, R.^1 ; Kakimoto, K.^1 ; Iijima, Y.^1 ; Itoh, M.^1 ; Saitoh, T.^1
Fujikura Ltd., 1440 Mutsuzaki, Sakura, Chiba
285-8550, Japan^1
关键词: Coated conductors;    Critical current property;    High current densities;    High mechanical strength;    Long lengths;    Low temperatures;    Lower temperatures;    Wide temperature ranges;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/507/2/022007/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/507/2/022007
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

REBa2Cu3Oy, (RE : rare earth elements, RE123) coated conductors are expected to show high performance in superconducting applications, due to their high mechanical strength and high current density in magnetic fields. Fujikura has developed ion-beam-assisted-deposition (IBAD) and pulsed-laser-deposition (PLD) technique, and today we routinely manufacture coated conductors with length over 500 m and Icover 500 A/cm-width at 77 K, self field. We have also been able to fabricate long conductors with higher Ic by thickening RE123 layer. Although Icperformances at 77 K, self field are important, but performances in magnetic fields at lower temperatures below 77 K are more important for coil applications. In this work, we evaluated coated conductors with thick RE123 layer in magnetic fields at low temperatures. All samples are fabricated with long length. We measured samples by four-probe transport method at wide temperature range from 77 K to 10 K by using cryo-cooled cryostat. A conductor with 5.5 μm thick RE123 exhibits high Icvalues of 937 A/cm-width at 77 K, self field, 637 A/cm-width at 50 K, 5T and 976 A/cm-width at 40 K, 5T.

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