2018 International Conference of Green Buildings and Environmental Management
Coagulation Tool Parameters during Emergency Dwasposal of Drinking Water Source
Du, Sijie^1 ; Xiong, Zhengwei^1 ; Chen, Yao^2 ; Hu, Licai^2 ; Chen, Qiwei^1 ; Guo, Qingwei^2 ; Chen, Sili^2
School of Civil Engineering, University of South China, Hengyang
421001, China^1
South China Institute of Environmental Sciences. MEP, Guangzhou
510610, China^2
关键词: Drinking water sources;    Emergency treatment;    Mechanical stirring;    Pollution incidents;    Research and development;    Simulated wastewater;    Single-factor experiments;    Stirring parameters;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/186/3/012034/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/186/3/012034
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The research and development of the emergency handling device was to deal with sudden pollution incidents of drinking water sources. Kaolin was used to prepwere experimental simulated wastewater, and water turbidity was used as an evaluation index. The effect of stirring methods, rotation speed and agitation time on the diffusion rate of kaolin in the water-coagulation pool in water was investigated by single-factor experiments. Then determine the coagulation pool parameters for the emergency treatment of drinking water sources. The results showed: (1) The best stirring parameters for the coagulation pool during mechanical stirring were: stirring speed 80 r/min, stirring time 30 s. (2) The optimal stirring parameters for the coagulation pool during submersion stirring were: the stirring speed was 100 r/min, and the stirring time was 60 s. (3) The optimal flow parameters of the coagulation pool for the gravity-flow of water were: the flow velocity of the water was 2 m/s and the time was 10 minutes. The research showed: the mechanical stirring method was more conducive to the diffusion of the coagulant in the coagulation pool than the submersible stirring and the water body gravity-flow; the parameters of the coagulation pool in the emergency treatment of drinking water sources were determined as the stirring mode: mechanical stirring, stirring speed: 80 r/min, stirring time: 30 s.

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