2017 3rd International Conference on Environmental Science and Material Application
Migration laws of major elements of Laowashan bauxite in Zunyi area, northern Guizhou province of China
Cui, Tao^1
College of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Guizhou Institute of Technology, Guiyang
550003, China^1
关键词: Geochemical methods;    Ground water discharge;    Guizhou Province;    Karst depression;    Major elements;    Negative correlation;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/108/4/042046/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/108/4/042046
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
After exploring migration laws of major elements in Laowashan bauxite of northern Guizhou Province by geochemical methods, it was found that: 1) Si was negatively correlated to Al and Ti; Al showed significant negative correlations with Si and Fe; Al was positively correlated to Ti. 2) The content of Si and Fe was low in the middle part, high at the top and the highest at the bottom. The content of Al and Ti is the highest in the middle, followed by the content at the top and the bottom successively. 3) Karst depressions are favorable for groundwater discharge through leaching, leading to heavy loss of Fe in ZK-CS1.
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