2nd International Symposium for Sustainable Landscape Development
Fitness Parks: A Comparative Study of the Components of Jakarta-Manila Parks and their Responsiveness to Support Physical Activities
Fontanoza, Franklin S.^1 ; Navarra, Nappy L.^1 ; Engg, D.^1
Philippine Association of Landscape Architects, Philippines^1
关键词: Comparative studies;    Components;    Coronary heart disease;    Healthy lifestyles;    Learning capacity;    Local neighborhoods;    Operating hours;    Physical activity;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/91/1/012025/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/91/1/012025
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Fitness has become more popular due to the cultural phenomenon that being fit can enhance one's perception of beauty. The sprouting of various outlets for physical activity such as bodybuilding gyms that cater to weightlifting, outdoor group dance classes, sports camps and cause-oriented marathons can be noticed in numerous parts of the world. But slowly its concept, that being fit is a mere physical representation of beauty, is shifting into a more health-oriented consciousness. Annual reports have shown that coronary heart disease is still in the top rank of the death causes in the world. This information has led more people to protect their health through several lifestyle improvements, with regular exercise being one of these methods to achieve health goals. Its numerous benefits range from the lowering of blood pressure, heightened learning capacity to the improvement of mood. The health-rooted awareness of the need for physical activities to support one's daily requirement has spread worldwide and has now been recognized by a lot of people. Parks are usually designed with amenities such as playgrounds, pathways and wide open spaces where people from all walks of life convene, interact with each other and do various physical activities. With this in mind, the capacity of parks to host such activities has to be studied to determine which components do people who engage in active healthy lifestyles find highly attractive and usable. An analysis of such could lead to effective space programming of our local neighborhood parks making it more perceptive to the physical needs of the people. Two major sports complexes from South East Asia have been used as case studies to assess the responsiveness of the locals to the amenities offered in each complex to address health goals. The comparison revealed that the Gelora Bung Karno Complex in Jakarta, Indonesia has more activity-oriented amenities and longer operating hours, making it more receptive to meet the physical activity requirement.
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