7th IGRSM International Remote Sensing & GIS Conference and Exhibition
A geospatial approach to evaluation of accessibility to secondary educational institution in Ogun State, Nigeria
Ogunyemi, S.A.^1 ; Muibi, K.H.^1 ; Eguaroje, O.E.^1 ; Fabiyi, O.O.^2 ; Halilu, A.S.^1
Cooperative Information Network, National Space Research and Development Agency, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria^1
Regional Centre for Training in Aerospace Surveying, Ile Ife, Osun State, Nigeria^2
关键词: Distance students;    Educational institutions;    Hand-held GPS;    Local government areas;    Origin-destination matrix;    School location;    Secondary datum;    Secondary schools;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/20/1/012045/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/20/1/012045
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The study therefore examined the spatial distribution of secondary school and the accessibility levels to students in Yewa South local Government area of Nigeria and the factors that give rise to them with a view to providing a framework for effective placement of students. Primary and secondary data were used for the study. Primary data was collected using questionnaire and a hand-held GPS receiver used to capture the coordinate points of schools and other relevant data. Secondary data include administrative map, population figures of both students and Teachers, Names and addresses of the secondary schools in the study area, the school placement sheet and list of schools. The data analysis was carried out using network analysis. School location, number of secondary schools in each ward and the total area were used to determine the pattern of distribution of secondary schools in the study area. Settlements, roads, schools location, number of secondary schools, ward and school enrolments were used to generate both school accessibility and effective placement measure using network analysis. Network analyses were also performed to evaluate nearest school to student and a set of origin-destination (OD) matrix. However, the whole of 25 secondary schools in Yewa south were considered for network analysis ward by ward, and the results of the distance students travel from their settlements to their various schools were shown for all the secondary schools in each ward. Out of 415 Students, 210 students travel below 2 km to their schools which constitute 50.60% total number of students in the local government area while 205 students travel above 2 km to their schools which constitute 49.40%.

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