International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning
Emergent learning and interactive media artworks: Parameters of interaction for novice groups
Kevin Larkin1  Marta Kawka2  Patrick Alan Danaher2 
[1] Faculty of Education, University of Southern Queensland, Australia;School of Education and Professional Studies, Griffith University, Australia
关键词: Educational institutions;    Emergent learning;    Interactive art;    Media arts;    Knowledge;    Novice learners;    Web 2.0;   
DOI  :  10.19173/irrodl.v12i7.1028
来源: Athabasca University Press
【 摘 要 】

Emergent learning describes learning that occurs when participants interact and distribute knowledge, where learning is self-directed, and where the learning destination of the participants is largely unpredictable (Williams, Karousou, & Mackness, 201

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