International Scientific Conference «AGRITECH-2019: Agribusiness, Environmental Engineering and Biotechnologies»
The relevance of salmonellosis risk control in the population of turkeys of the Russian Federation
Burlakov, S.V.^1 ; Burlakova, G.I.^1 ; Kapustin, A.V.^2 ; Yakimova, E.A.^2 ; Laishevtsev, A.I.^2
Russian State Centre for Quality and Standardization of Veterinary Drugs and Feed (VGNKI), Zvenigorodskoe higway 5, Moscow
123002, Russia^1
Federal State Budget Scientific Institution Federal Scientific Centre VIEV (FSC VIEV), Ryazanskiy avenue 24, 1, Moscow
109428, Russia^2
关键词: Heidelberg;    Laboratory test;    Minced meat;    Poultry products;    Risk controls;    Russian federation;    Salmonella infections;    Salmonella serovar;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/315/2/022062/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/315/2/022062
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Outbreaks of Salmonella infections caused by poultry products have been quite common in recent years. With current trends in the development of turkey farming in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to pay attention to the products of this industry imported into the country. In the US 60% of chickens and 23% of turkeys are infected. In particular, in the United States in 2011, Salmonella heidelberg infection spread, affecting more than 150 people in 34 states. As the laboratory tests showed, it was caused by the infected turkey minced meat. In November 2011, 179 cases of the disease were reported, caused by the same salmonella serovar, but already due to products made from the liver of kosher chickens. Many cases were severe and required hospitalization.

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