International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Automation and Control Systems 2018
Development of a backup drive in locomobile construction
Shubin, A.A.^1 ; Vitchuk, P.V.^1 ; Smolovik, A.E.^1
Kaluga Branch of the Moscow State Technical University Named after N.E. Bauman, 5, Bazenov st., Kaluga
248000, Russia^1
关键词: Back-up drives;    Economic loss;    Long service life;    Operating time;    Optimal speed;    Rail transport;    Railway track;    Road rails;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/560/1/012169/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/560/1/012169
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Current maintenance and repair of the railway track is a prerequisite for the efficient operation of rail transport. The main task of the current maintenance of the way is to create conditions for ensuring the uninterrupted movement of trains with set speeds and long service life of all elements of the way. In recent years, locomobiles are coming into use. These are hybrid road-rail cars that are able to move both on the railway track and on highways. Locomobiles are made based on the car by installing the mechanisms of extension of the railway chassis on the frame of the car. Trains are constantly moving along the railway tracks, so repairs and maintenance of the track should not disrupt their schedule if it is possible. In case of an unworkable condition of the vehicle located on the railway track, there will be an emergency which requires towing transport and, accordingly, time costs, which accompanies large economic losses. In connection with the above, the task of creating a backup drive in the locomobile is urgent. The article presents the design of a backup drive for the locomobile and describes the principle of its operation. The dependencies for calculating the limiting operating time of the drive and the distance traveled by the vehicle are given, depending on the speed of its movement and the capacity of the battery. The graphs for determining the optimal speed of the locomobile are obtained.
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