3rd World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urban Planning Symposium
Reinstanation the Significance of City Main Public Space - Revitalization of the Main Square in Polaniec
Ciepiela, Agnieszka^1
Institute of City and Regions Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology, ul. Warszawska 24, Cracow
31-155, Poland^1
关键词: Communication nodes;    Cultural events;    Natural disasters;    Public space;    Service facilities;    Service functions;    Strongly connected;    Twentieth century;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/471/11/112020/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/471/11/112020
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The aim of the conducted research is to analyse the changes taking place in the public spaces of small towns of South-Eastern Poland and their impact on the residents' awareness and the sense of local identity. The analysis included the actual state "before" and "after" the revitalization carried out, as well as the study of planning and strategic documents. Polaniec was the subject of the research, among others. In its history, the town has been repeatedly destroyed, among others as a result of war and natural disasters. Thanks to the residents who have always been strongly connected with the town, Polaniec was rebuilt every time. The locality alternately gained and lost municipal rights, and finally, in 1980, become recognized as a town. The granting of city rights was closely related to the rapid development of Polaniec, caused by the construction of a power plant in nearby Zawada. In the seventies, eighties and nineties of the XX century, new large housing estates and service facilities were built in Polaniec. During this period, the most intense development of the city took place. Public spaces, like, "Promenade" at the shopping pavilion along Kociuszki Street and a "traffic town" have arisen. The main square-the heart of the medieval Polaniec-in the 60s of the twentieth century was transformed into a communication node, thanks to which the town lost its main representative space. In addition, the service functions that so far have been focused within the market have been taken over by the pavilions built at Kosciuszko Street. Cultural events, since 1994 have been transferred to the concert shell. In 2008, the Polaniecka Gallery was opened, creating a potential representative space of the city. It was only within the framework of the Local Program for the Revitalization of the City and Municipality of Polaniec for the years 2007-2013 the funds were found for restoration the proper status of the main square. In 2009-2010, the reconstruction was carried out and the former-the representative character of the square (now Polaniecki Square) was recovered, at least partially. Raising the quality of the town's representative space resulted in an increase in the sense of local identity of the residents, which have an effect of, among others, renovation of the majority of the facade of the market buildings, which further contributed to the improvement of the quality of the town square. A successful revitalization process can take place only when it is conducted comprehensively. Restoring the rank of the Polaniec market, high awareness and a sense of responsibility for "their" town among the residents, resulted in a living, attractive space that became the showcase of Polaniec.
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