This report uses new measures of extremeweather and methodologies to gauge their welfare effects. Amyriad of methodological issues and data constraints plagueempirical work on the effects of extreme weather events onhuman welfare. The shocks themselves are often poorlymeasured and the lack of sufficiently long panel data orhistorical data on past events often forces a focus oneffects in the short run. Economy wide effects of localshocks are typically only explored within the context ofcomputable general equilibrium models which are verystructural in nature. Proper evaluation of publicinterventions requires correction for the unobservedcharacteristics of the areas which receive the programs. Theoverall study was organized in four pillars: 1) fiscaloptions to address climate change; 2) technological optionsand role of trade and investment policies in fostering them;3) capacity needs assessments; and 4) the human welfareeffects of extreme weather events. To enable more in depthunderstanding of the methodologies used and the countryspecific insights emerging, the background papersunderpinning each of the four pillars have been compiled inseparate reports. This report provides an in-depth review ofthe empirical findings emanating from three country casestudies examining the welfare effects of extreme weather. Itconcerns the occurrence of droughts in Indonesia, rainfalland temperature volatility in Mexico and droughts, floodsand hurricanes in Vietnam.