A Study about Cultural Differences between Western and Eastern cultures
마리아 유진 페레즈 버거미술대학 디자인학부 ;
University:서울대학교 대학원
关键词: Multicultural;    West;    East;    Society;    Respect;    Love;    745;   
Others  :  http://s-space.snu.ac.kr/bitstream/10371/128945/1/000000136947.pdf
来源: Seoul National University Open Repository
【 摘 要 】

I have been taught during my scholar years in the Western world under the highly influence Greek-based educational system, that there exists one type of love. I have been taught that is a feeling of overwhelming liking to someone else, hard to describe, yet easy to recognize when it appears. I was raised during my dedicated years to learn the word of the Lord to be aware by means of religion that Lust also exists and it is distinguished from Love, being that it is desire for what is physical but not intellectual. In Plato;;s Symposium, Plato speaks of several different types of love, loves that can be taken as lust as well. In fact, Plato writes about seven different points of view on love coming from the speakers that attend the symposium in honor of Agathon. Although all these men bring up remarkable points on their definitions on love, it is Diotima, a woman, that makes the best definition to be known.During Plato;;s Symposium Socrates recognizes that in his youth he was taught ;;the philosophy of love;; by Diotima, who was a priestess and gave him a genealogy of love, stating that he is the son of ;;resource and need.;; In her view, love is a means of ascent to contemplation of the Divine. For Diotima, the most correct use of love of other human beings is to direct one;;s mind to love of Divinity. In her sayings, it is ensure that with genuine Platonic love, the beautiful or lovely other person inspires the mind and the soul and directs one;;s attention to spiritual things. One proceeds from recognition of another;;s beauty, to appreciation of beauty as it exists apart from any individual, to consideration of divinity, the source of beauty, to love of divinity. Following the long tradition of Diotima;;s teachings that influenced my years as a scholar is that I intend to explore what is the appreciation of cultural beauty in spite of the existance of dramatic differences. Beauty in that learns to appreciate what is different in times when being in love with someone whose cultural differences seem menacing. Beauty in that knows how to cope with the new and the strange because of love. Beauty that increases my appreciation for the concept of Platonic love that trascends what is physical.Beauty that directs one;;s attention to what is real but also towards what is Divine and by approximation include traditions that don;;t fade, wither or grow old.Cultivating a global citizen perspective towards a diversity-mapped multiculturalism must start with an understanding of what are cultural values, perceptions, manners, demography, social structure, and decision-making practices in different regions. Along this line the research has brought light onto cultural differences in a global setting which has already produced some tangible guidelines for cross-cultural understanding led by digital software initiatives as successful as Facebook or less popular as the latest mobile phone.As graphic designer creating visual communication that’s consumed by the masses there are issues about social responsibility related to respect, acceptance, understanding and love that are important to emphasize.The world has become a global village with Easterns-Westerns moving around the world. Due to our rapidly changing world, all cultures today are in transition and depends on our capability of empathy and understanding to make it happens in peace, unprejudiced.As human beings, love seems to have an important role in our lives: our lives go better when we are loved and when we love others. Love is all WE need.

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