AbstractMobile Payments in Global Trade GovernanceAYoung KimInternational Commerce, International StudiesGraduate School of International StudiesSeoul National UniversityThe technological development has enabled us to live in a way our ancestors never imagined. The barters evolved into commerce, creating a banking system. The advent of electronic devices and internet accelerated such development. In 1997, the first mobile payment transaction happened. Since then, the m-commerce market grew fast, and numerous studies were done on mobile payments.Despite the increasing use of mobile payments and number of research, the research topic has been limited. Scholars focused on the same topics: consumer adoptions and technology aspects. However, as some academic community suggested, studies should be done in diverse perspectives. This includes legal and regulatory analysis. Even few studies done legally focused on domestic regulation. Therefore, this paper will investigate the mobile payments in global trade governance. First, it will have an introduction on mobile payments and review on previous mobile payment research topics. Then, it will examine whether the current global trade governance is applicable to the mobile payments. The possibly relevant provisions will be assessed. The future of the mobile payment will be predicted.