Unified Performance Analysis for Third-Generation CDMA Systems
CDMA;Bandlimited;Performance analysis
Jatunov, Loran Aleksandrovich ; Electrical and Computer Engineering
University:Georgia Institute of Technology
Department:Electrical and Computer Engineering
关键词: CDMA;    Bandlimited;    Performance analysis;   
Others  :  https://smartech.gatech.edu/bitstream/1853/5212/1/Jatunov_Loran_A_200405_phd.pdf
来源: SMARTech Repository
【 摘 要 】

Analytic models for the performance of the forward link of 3G CDMAsystems using different maximum ratio combining (MRC) RAKE fingerweight assignments are presented. The spreading modulations underinvestigation are the balanced QPSK and the complex-spreading QPSK.The models are computationally efficient, accurate, andapplicable to Root Raised Cosine (RRC) pulse shaping with anyroll-off factor, variable processing gain, chip rate, and datarate for orthogonal codes, random codes, quasi-orthogonal codes,Gaussian noise, and realistic channel models. The expressionsderived are then used to obtain the so-called orthogonalityfactor, which is commonly used in system-level simulations.Next, closed-form mathematical expressions for the variance due toinfinite chips interfering in systems using arbitrary Nyquistpulses are derived. These expressions are applicable to both theforward link and the reverse link. For the latter, the existingknowledge on the accurate and efficient estimation of theperformance of CDMA systems is extended by presenting closedmathematical expressions for bandlimited systems using arbitraryNyquist pulses for both BPSK and Offset-QPSK (OQPSK)modulation. The impactof adjacent channel interference in bandlimited systems issubsequently considered. Finally, mathematical expressions for theaccurate and efficient estimation of a CDMA system using RRCpulse-shaping and a RAKE receiver in the presence of multipathinterference are presented.

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