An Atomic Force Microscopy Study of the Local Hygro-expansion Behavior of Cellulose Microfibrils
Hygro-expansion;Moisture;Cellulose microfibrils;Atomic force microscopy;Dimensional changes;Dynamic interactions
Lee, Jung Myoung ; Joel J. Pawlak, Committee Chair,John A. Heitmann, Committee Co-Chair,Martin A. Hubbe, Committee Member,Dimitris S. Argyropoulos, Committee Member,Lee, Jung Myoung ; Joel J. Pawlak ; Committee Chair ; John A. Heitmann ; Committee Co-Chair ; Martin A. Hubbe ; Committee Member ; Dimitris S. Argyropoulos ; Committee Member
Structure-property relationships of cellulose-based materials including paper, micro- and nano-fiber composites are often strongly influenced by environmental variables.The interaction of polymeric and crystalline structure in cellulose bio-based materials is of high technological importance.Therefore, understanding the underlying mechanism of environmental/material interactions is crucial for engineering products from bio-based materials.This study was undertaken in an effort to develop a technique for the assessment of dimensional stability of cellulose microfibrils as a function of different relative humidity. Analysis of atomic force microscopy images showed that the local dimensional properties of cellulose microfibrils are highly responsive to variable relative humidity, and their hygro-expansive behavior depends on the relative humidity history, and their method of preparation.The results obtained suggested that dimensional and hygro-expansive behaviors of cellulose microfibrils are related to their ultra-structural arrangements and their origin, either directly or indirectly.These findings, hopefully, will prompt an open discussion regarding the dynamic interactions between cellulose and water molecules at a nano-scale.
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An Atomic Force Microscopy Study of the Local Hygro-expansion Behavior of Cellulose Microfibrils