No-Till Pumpkin Production.
Harrelson, Enoch Ryan ; Greg D. Hoyt, Committee Chair,David Monks, Committee Member,John Havlin, Committee Member,Harrelson, Enoch Ryan ; Greg D. Hoyt ; Committee Chair ; David Monks ; Committee Member ; John Havlin ; Committee Member
University:North Carolina State University
关键词: pumpkin;    residue;    No-Till;   
Others  :  https://repository.lib.ncsu.edu/bitstream/handle/1840.16/2727/etd.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
来源: null
【 摘 要 】

Vegetable growers in the Southeast US have successfully used cultivation to grow pumpkins. Many growers, due to the lack of surface applied herbicides, no-till planting equipment, and knowledge of conservation tillage methods for vegetables, have not pursued no-till pumpkin production in this region. All of these production aides are now present for successful no-till plantings. Reasons to use no-till technology for pumpkins include soil moisture conservation, cleaner fruit and similar yields as conventional tillage, and long-term improvements of soil chemical, microbial, and physical properties of the soil. The objectives of the two experiments were to evaluate the influence of surface residue type and amount on yield and quality of no-till pumpkins, and to establish planting date and nitrogen (N) rate recommendations.Results suggest that a minimum amount of residue is required for good no-till pumpkin yields, but increasing residues beyond 5600-6720 kg ha-1 will not affect pumpkin yield. Although this range will vary with location, weather conditions, and soil type, a vegetable grower should expect to successfully grow no-till pumpkins at these residue rates.Planting date and N rate greatly influenced no-till pumpkin yields. Planting dates that were earlier than traditional planting dates increased yields at one location where cooler weather conditions persist, but had minimal affect at a second warmer mountain region location. The highest rate of 120 kg Nha-1 produced the greatest yields, suggesting that perhaps a greater N rate may have continued to increase yield.

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