Wellsprings of Heresy: Monks, Myth and Making Manichaeans in Orleans and Aquitaine
Bazemore, MichaelJr. ; Dr. Julie Mell, Committee Chair,Dr. Edith Sylla, Committee Member,Dr. Brett Whalen, Committee Member,Bazemore, MichaelJr. ; Dr. Julie Mell ; Committee Chair ; Dr. Edith Sylla ; Committee Member ; Dr. Brett Whalen ; Committee Member
University:North Carolina State University
关键词: heresy;    dualism;    Manichaeans;   
Others  :  https://repository.lib.ncsu.edu/bitstream/handle/1840.16/1165/etd.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
来源: null
【 摘 要 】

The execution of a number of clerics at Orléans in 1022 is viewed as a watershed moment in the history of heresy in the West.Five documents bear witness to the events, and each presents problems for historians.The accounts of Adémar of Chabannes and Paul of St Père de Chartres have received more attention than others, since they hint at the presence of dualist heretics in France, whom some historians have sought to link to the dualist Bogomils of Bulgaria and the Byzantine Empire.Though the consensus on the origins of heretics in France has shifted to emphasize local conditions in the emergence of heresy, recent document discoveries have revived the debate.Most prominent of these is the so-called “Letter of Héribertâ€Âdescribing seemingly dualist heretics in Périgord.Previously believed to a twelfth century document, it has recently been discovered in an eleventh-century version.This thesis argues that the “Letterâ€Âdescribes not dualist heretics, but conscientious Christians taking responsibility for their own salvation.It further contends that this group can be identified as the “Manichaeansâ€Âwhom Adémar of Chabannes describes as appearing in Aquitaine in 1018, and that when he applied the same label to the heretics of Orléans, he was not truly describing the latter group.The similarities between the doctrines adduced to the heretics and those of the Bogomils are considered, and it is argued that these are due to the influence of Orthodox monks on their Western brethren.Finally, it considers the implications of this for the study of eleventh-century heresy.

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