Influences of porphyromonas gingivalis on the viability of esophageal cancer cells.
porphyromonas gingivalis;ESCC;esophageal cancer;viability;proliferation;apoptosis
Muddasir Mohammed
University:University of Louisville
Department:Oral Biology
关键词: porphyromonas gingivalis;    ESCC;    esophageal cancer;    viability;    proliferation;    apoptosis;   
Others  :  https://ir.library.louisville.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4270&context=etd
来源: The Universite of Louisville's Institutional Repository
【 摘 要 】

A recent study demonstrated an association between the Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg)infection and the progression of ESCC (Gao et al., 2016). However, how Pg infection affects the nature of ESCC remains unknown. We examined the effects of Pg on the proliferation and chemotherapy drug-induced apoptosis of ESCC cells and elucidated the signaling molecules involved in these processes. Method: Apoptosis and cell proliferation were tested using Flow cytometry and Tetrazolium salt based proliferation assays respectively. Western Blot was utilized to detect the protein expression. CDK2 and Cyclin E were knocked down in the ESCC cells through transfection. Unpaired T-test and ANOVA with post hoc Tuckey test were used to analyze relevant data (pResults: Pgenhanced the proliferation and reduced the chemotherapy drug-mediated apoptosis of ESCC cells possibly through Cyclin E-CDK2 pathway and Caspase-3 mediated signaling pathway, respectively. Conclusion: Pg worsens ESCC probably by promoting tumor growth and resisting chemotherapeutic drug-mediated apoptosis.

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