The classification of self-dual codes has been an extremely active area incoding theory since 1972 [33]. A particularly interesting class of self-dual codesis those of Type II which have high minimum distance (called extremal or near-extremal).It is notable that this class of codes contains famous unique codes:the extended Hamming [8,4,4] code, the extended Golay [24,12,8] code, and theextended quadratic residue [48,24,12] code. We examine the subcode structuresof Type II codes for lengths up to 24, extremal Type II codes of length 32, and givepartial results on the extended quadratic residue [48,24,12] code. We also developa generalization of self-dual codes to Network Coding Theory and give some resultson existence of self-dual network codes with largest minimum distance for lengthsup to 10. Complementary Information Set (CIS for short) codes, a class of classicalcodes recently developed in [7], have important applications to Cryptography. CIScodes contain self-dual codes as a subclass. We give a new classification result forCIS codes of length 14 and a partial result for length 16.
【 预 览 】
Self-dual codes, subcode structures, and applications.